Math 279R: Positivity in Matroid Theory

Spring 2022

Instructor: Christopher Eur

Time/Location: TTh 10:30am--11:45am / Science Center 112

Office hours: Wed 2pm--3pm SC239

Course syllabus

Covid19 Contingency

Technology permitting, the lectures will be live-streamed over Zoom (but not recorded), at least for the first few weeks of the semester. The livestream is intended only for those who are unable to attend the lecture. When in such situation, please email the instructor for the Zoom link info.


Date Lecture notes Topic Comments
Jan. 25 Lecture 1 introduction, bases of matroids
Jan. 27 Lecture 2 small rank matroids, cryptomorphisms I
Feb. 1 Lecture 3 crytomorphisms II, constructions I
Feb. 3 Lecture 4 constructions II, characteristic polynomials I
Feb. 8 Lecture 5 characteristic polynomials II, Tutte polynomials
Feb. 10 Lecture 6 Ample divisors and Hodge-Riemann relations
Feb. 15 Lecture 7 Lorentzian polynomials I
Feb. 17 Lecture 8 Lorentzian polynomials II Primer on blow-ups
Feb. 22 Lecture 9 Wonderful compactifications I
Feb. 24 Lecture 10 Wonderful compactifications II
Mar. 1 Lecture 11 Toric varieties I
Mar. 3 Lecture 12 Toric varieties II
Mar. 8 Lecture 13 Divisors on toric varieties
Mar. 10 Lecture 14 Generalized permutohedra
Mar. 15 No lecture Spring break
Mar. 22 Lecture 15 Toric intersection theory
Mar. 24 Lecture 16 Tropical intersection theory
Mar. 29 Lecture 17 Tropical Hodge theory I
Mar. 31 Lecture 18 Tropical Hodge theory II
Apr. 5 Lecture 19 Tautological bundles I
Apr. 7 Lecture 20 Tautological bundles II
Apr. 12 Lecture 21 Tautological classes
Apr. 14 Lecture 22 Exceptional HRR
Apr. 19 Lecture 23 Tropicalizing vector bundles
Apr. 21 Lecture 24 Augmented/stellahedral story
Apr. 26 Lecture 25 Presentation, Concluding remarks Last class
Apr. 28 No lecture CMSA Workshop on Nonlinear Algebra