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Math 301 Homework Assignments

Note: These assignments are subject to revision during the term; please check this page regularly for updates.

Updated 11/26/18

Homework 1

Problem set: due Wednesday September 5 at noon.
We will finish the material for this homework on Friday (August 31).

Homework 2

Problem set: due Friday September 14 at noon.
The first problem is not inclusion-exclusion, but 2-4 are. Warning: this homework set is the hardest one for a couple of weeks!

Homework 3

Problem set: due Friday September 21 at noon.

Homework 4

Problem set: due Friday September 28 at noon.
The exam will cover all of the material through this homework.

Homework 5

Problem set: due Friday October 12 at noon.
All of these problems use the method of alteration.

Homework 6

Problem set: due Friday October 19 at noon.
This one is a bit longer! You will prove the famous Szemeredi-Trotter theorem.

Homework 7

Problem set: due Thursday Nov 1 at noon.
This one is also longer than usual!

Homework 8

Problem set: due Wednesday November 15 at noon.
This one isn't too long or hard.

Optional homework

Problem set: due Wednesday Nov 28.
If you complete either of these problems and the solution is not trivial then you can skip the final exam. If the solution is trivial you will receive a 20 percent bonus on the final exam.

Homework 9

Problem set: due Friday December 7 at noon.
This is the final homework.

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