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Math 301: Course Calendar

Updated 10/16/18

Note: This calendar is subject to revision during the term.
 The section references are only a guide; your instructor may vary from it.

Topic Monday Wednesday Friday
August 27
First principles of counting
Keller and Trotter 2.1-2.3
August 29
Binomial Theorem/bijections
Keller and Trotter 2.4-2.6
August 31
Matousek and Nesetril 3.4-3.5
September 3
Labor Day: no class
September 5
Keller and Trotter 7.1-7.3
September 7
Keller and Trotter 7.4-7.5
Intro to Graph Theory
September 10
First definitions, bipartite and planar graphs
Bondy and Murty 1.1-1.2, 1.4-1.7
Bona 11.1-11.2, 12.1
September 12
Planar graphs
Bona 12.1
Matousek and Nesetril 6.3-6.4
September 14
Coloring planar graphs
6 and 5 color theorems
Bona 12.3
Spectral Graph Theory
September 17
Adjacency matrices and walk-counting
Bona 10.3-10.4
September 19
Walk counting and the spectral radius
September 21
The Turan function
Mantel's Theorem
Intro to Extremal Graph Theory
September 24
5 proofs of Turan's Theorem
September 26
Ramsey's Theorem
September 28
Exam 1
First Moment Method
October 1
Intro to Probabilistic Method
Keller and Trotter 10.1-10.2
October 3
First Moment Method
Keller and Trotter 11.1, 11.4
October 5
Matousek and Vondrak 18-22
Concentration Inequalities
October 8
Markov's Inequality
October 10
Chebyshev's Inequality
October 12
Chernoff Bound
Extremal Graph Theory
October 15
Kovari-Sos-Turan Theorem
October 17
Projective planes
October 19
Mid-semester break: no class
C_4 free graphs
October 22
Sidon sets and Cayley graphs
October 24
Construction of dense Sidon sets and asymptotics for C_4 Turan number
October 26
Presidential Inauguration Day: no class
Ramsey theorems on equations
October 29
Schur's Theorem and Fermat's last theorem over finite fields
October 31
van der Waerden's theorem
November 2
Exam 2
Extremal set theory
November 5
Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem
November 7
Even/odd town
November 9
Spectral graph theory
November 12
Graham-Pollak theorem
November 14
Expander-Mixing lemma
November 16
Hoffman-Singleton theorem

November 19
Sum-product estimates
November 21
Thanksgiving break
November 23
Thanksgiving break
Lovasz Local Lemma
November 26
Lovasz Local Lemma
November 28
November 30
Combinatorial Nullstellensatz

December 3
December 5
Blakeley-Roy theorem
December 7
Alon-Boppana-Serre theorem

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