- K-theoretic positivity for matroids
with Matt Larson
Algebraic Geometry (to appear).    arXiv:2311.11996
- K-classes of delta-matroids and equivariant localization
with Matt Larson and Hunter Spink
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (to appear).    arXiv:2307.02550
- Cohomologies of tautological bundles of matroids
Selecta Mathematica N.S. 30-85 (2024).    arXiv:2307.04813
- Tropical critical points of an affine matroid
with Federico Ardila-Mantilla and Raul Penaguiao
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 38(2) (2024).    arXiv:2212.08173
- Multimatroids and rational curves with cyclic action
with Emily Clader, Chiara Damiolini, Daoji Huang, and Shiyue Li
International Mathematics Research Notices 2024(12) (2024).    arXiv:2311.09314
- Polyhedral and tropical geometry of flag positroids
with Jonathan Boretsky and Lauren Williams
Algebra & Number Theory 18-7 (2024).    arXiv:2208.09131,    Erratum
- Signed permutohedra, delta-matroids, and beyond
with Alex Fink, Matt Larson, and Hunter Spink
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 128(3) (2024).    arXiv:2209.06752
- Intersection theory of polymatroids
with Matt Larson
International Mathematical Research Notices 2024(5) (2024).    arXiv:2301.00831
- Stellahedral geometry of matroids
with June Huh and Matt Larson
Forum of Mathematics, Pi 11 (2023).    arXiv:2207.10605
- Tautological classes of matroids
with Andrew Berget, Hunter Spink, and Dennis Tseng
Inventiones Mathematicae 233 (2023).    arXiv:2103.08021,    Oberwolfach abstract,    FPSAC abstract
- Simplicial generation of Chow rings of matroids
with Spencer Backman and Connor Simpson
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (2023).    arXiv:1905.07114,   FPSAC abstract
- Reciprocal maximum likelihood degrees of diagonal linear concentration models
with Tara Fife, Jose Samper, and Tim Seynnaeve
Le Matematiche 76(2) (2021).    arXiv:2011.14182
- Reciprocal maximum likelihood degrees of Brownian motion tree models
with Tobias Boege, Jane Ivy Coons, Aida Maraj, and Frank Röttger
Le Matematiche 76(2) (2021).    arXiv:2009.11849
- Tropical flag varieties
with Madeline Brandt and Leon Zhang
Advances in Mathematics 384 (2021).    arXiv:2005.13727
- K-theoretic Tutte polynomials of morphisms of matroids
with Rodica Dinu and Tim Seynnaeve
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 181 (2021).    arXiv:2004.00112
- The Universal valuation of Coxeter matroids
with Mario Sanchez and Mariel Supina
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 53 (2021).    arXiv:2008.01121
- Free resolutions of functions classes via order complexes
with Justin Chen, Greg Yang, and Mengyuan Zhang
Advances in Applied Mathematics 120 (2020).    arXiv:1909.02159
- Logarithmic concavity for morphisms of matroids
with June Huh
Advances in Mathematics 367 (2020).    arXiv:1906.00481
- Coxeter submodular functions and deformations of Coxeter permutahedra
with Federico Ardila, Federico Castillo, and Alex Postnikov
Advances in Mathematics 365 (2020).    arXiv:1904.11029,   FPSAC abstract
- Divisors on matroids and their volumes
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 169 (2020).    arXiv:1803.07103,   FPSAC abstract,   slides
- Complete intersections with given Hilbert polynomials
with Sung Hyun Lim
Journal of Commutative Algebra 13 (2021).    arXiv:1712.05886
- On two notions of total positivity for generalized partial flag varieties of classical Lie types
with Grant Barkley, Jonathan Boretsky, and Jiyang Gao
submitted.    arXiv:2410.11804
- Wondertopes
with Sarah Brauner, Elizabeth Pratt, and Raluca Vlad
submitted.    arXiv:2403.04610
- Kapranov degrees
with Joshua Brakensiek, Matt Larson, and Shiyue Li
submitted.    arXiv:2308.12285