Let's Roll

21-101: The Four Pillars of Geometry

Course Description


Instructor and TA's

Course Schedule and Homework

Grading Information

Other Course Policies

Frequently Asked Questions


Homework will normally be assigned approximately daily, and turned in during the following class meeting.

Late homework assignments will be accepted until the class following their duedate (two classes after they are assigned). The first late homework will be given full credit. Thereafter, the late assignments will be penalized. The second will be given half credit, the third 1/3 credit, and so on. The tenth late homework and any subsequent late homeworks will be given no credit.


The course will have a Final Exam on Friday 20 October. The Exam will be closed book and calculators will not be allowed.

Class Participation

Attendance will be required for this course. A sign-in sheet will be passed around during each class. You class participation grade will be based on the percentage of classes you attend, with a bonus for being regularly engaged with the class.

Grade Computation

The final grade for the course will be determined by your performance on the homework and quizzes, the three midterm exams, and the final exam. The weights for computing your final average will be:
Homework        60%
Final exam      25%
Participation	15%

Letter Grades

The grade cutoffs for assigning letter grades will be

A: > 85, B: 75-84, C: 65-74, D: 50-64, R: < 49

for homeowrk assignments. Grade cutoffs for the Final Exam will be determined after the exam. Grade cutoffs for final grades will be computed by averaging the grade cutoffs for each assignmnet.