Let's Roll

21-101: The Four Pillars of Geometry

Course Description


Instructor and TA's

Course Schedule and Homework

Grading Information

Other Course Policies

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Administrative Matters
1.1. The only recitation I can attend is full. What should I do?
1.2. Can I take the final exam early?
1.3. Can I turn in my homework late?

2. Scholarly Matters:

2.1. What is the difference between the "regular" seventh edition of the text and the "course advantage edition"?
2.2. I don't understand something. Where should I go for help?

1. Administrative Matters

1.1. The only recitation I can attend is full. What should I do?

At first, nothing. Just put yourself on the waiting list, and hopefully a space will open up for you. If by the end of Week #3 you are still on the waiting list, something else probably needs to be done.

You should find a section that is not full and ask that TA if you may register for their section, while attending the other recitation. You will need to make arrangements with this TA to have all your grades recorded. This may mean turning in your homework to them at a different (earlier) time, or the TA of the section you are attending may be willing to pass them along for you.

You will also need to ask the TA of the section you will be attending to pass along your quizzes to the TA of the section for which you are registered. In addition, you will need to make arrangements to get your graded assignments back from this TA.

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1.2. Can I take the final exam early?


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1.3. Can I turn in my homework late?

Yes, though there may be some penalty to your grade. The policy is described in the Homework Section of the Grading Page.

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2. Scholarly Matters:

2.1. What is the difference between the "regular" seventh edition of the text and the "course advantage edition"?

The only (non-cosmetic) difference that I have found is that the "course advantage edition" comes with a CD containing some additional resources. The CD is not essential for this course.

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2.2. I don't understand something. Where should I go for help?

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