Last updated 5 May 2021.
These games were solo-written during high school, for ~100 MHz Pentium processors, back when one had to write libraries for graphics, fonts, mouse, and keyboard from scratch — Interrupt 15/4F! That was so long ago that modern browsers can now emulate the environment in their JavaScript engine. Click any of the links below to reach a playable in-browser game.
Synopsis: Free translucent battery meter that floats in a corner of the screen, providing an unobtrusive but easy-to-read graphical battery indicator, as well as an estimate of the time remaining. This was written as a replacement to the standard Windows XP battery meter, which has two major shortcomings: it does not display the time estimate unless the mouse cursor is placed above the system tray icon in the taskbar, and furthermore, that icon has too few states - it looks exactly the same whether the battery status is 30% or 2%.
This program reads a list of Buy/Sell/Dividend/etc transactions from a
file called Transactions.txt
, which should be placed in
the same directory as the executable. The syntax of this file is
illustrated by the following sample file
(note: it is a fictitious portfolio, and will
not generate the graph below!).
The program should be called as follows:
assemble daily-summary.tex
It will automatically download the required stock/fund quotes from Yahoo, and create the following:
, which compiles to PDF (sample page).
, which can be run to produce the following 3 charts for on-screen viewing and PNG output:
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