- we give an algorithm that finds a perfect matching in a random k-regular graph in linear time in expectation for k=O(1).
- with Alan Frieze
- we give an algorithm that finds a perfect matching in a random cubic graph in linear time in expectation.
- with Alan Frieze
The coloring space of q-colorings of a random k-uniform hypegraph with dn/k edges is connected when q>(1+c)((k-1)d/logd)^(1/k-1), where c tends to 0 as d tends to infinity (with high probability)
- with Alan Frieze and Wesley Pegden
- The coloring space of q-colorings of a random graph with dn/2 edges has a giant component when q>1.5d/log d. (with high probability, the logarithm is taken over base e).
- with Alan Frieze
- The edges of the random graph process G_0,G_1,...G_n(n-1)/2 are randomly [q]-colored as they appear. Given a pattern Q (i.e. a finite sequence of colors in [q]) we give a hitting time result for the first appearance of a Q-pattern Hamilton cycle (the colors will appear and circle around the cycle in the same order as they appear in Q).
- Let G be a random graph generated by the k-out model with host graph being the n-hypercube. Let h=log n-2 log log n. If h<k then G is disconnected whereas if k >h +1 then G is k-connected (with high probability, the logarithms are taken over base 2)
- with Deepak Bal
- The edges of a random 2k-regular graph can be k colored such that there in no monochromatic component of linear size. At the same time for every k coloring of a (2k+1)- regular graphs there exists a monochromatic cycle of linear size. A similar result holds for random k-out graphs (with high probability).
- with Joseph Briggs
- The edges in the random directed graph process D_1,D_2,...,D_n(n-1) can be n-colored online so that the first graph with minimum degree 2 has a rainbow Hamilton cycle (with high probability).
- with Alan Frieze
- Let H be a simple k-uniform hypergraph with maximum degree
Δ . Letq≥max{Cklogn,500k3Δ1/(k−1)}. The Glauber Dynamics will become close to uniform inO(nlogn) time, given a random (improper) q-coloring as a start.
- with Alan Frieze
- We calculate the minimum expected cost, over all strategies, of purchasing a cycle of length 4 in two online settings