Course Outline: The ability to reason logically and clearly from a set of accepted principles is fundamental not only in Mathematics, but in Life in general. In this class we will learn how to provide complete explanations of why certain things are true. We will also determine how to detect false statements and provide conclusive evidence of their falsity. We will begin with concrete objects like numbers, sets and functions and learn to prove things about them using elementary logic. After studying a proof technique known as induction, we will explore functions and use them to classify the size of infinite sets (yes, there are different sized infinite sets). Next we will find out how to count the number of objects that can be obtained as the result of a certain process. For example, we can count the number of distinct poker hands which have three aces and two kings or the number of different three-topping pizzas that can be made if ten toppings are available. We then tackle elementary problems concerning integers, such as factorization, divisibility and their possible applications to cryptography. Lastly, we will study some classic topics from Discrete Math. Elementary probability will be explored in order to ascertain, for example, just how likely are we to be dealt a poker hand containing three aces and two kings. We will see that probability is related to counting and will move on to study useful topics in counting known as the pigeonhole principle and inclusion/exclusion. Classes and Recitation Sessions: 21-128 meets MWF from 11 to 11:50 in Baker A51. 15-151 meets MWF from 1 to 1:50 in Gates 4401. Our wonderful Teaching Assistants will also hold two weekly recitation sessions. I strongly encourage you to attend the recitation sessions as they are an integral part of the course and may cover examinable material not covered in lecture. TA Office Hours: Click here for the calendar of Teaching Assistant Office Hours. Mackey's Office: Gates 4005 Phone:268-1204 Email:jmackey@andrew.cmu.edu Mackey's Office Hours: Mon 9:45-10:45, Wed 2-3, and Th 10:45-11:45
Course Website: www.math.cmu.edu/~jmackey/151_128/welcome.html Help: In addition to class, recitation sessions, and office hours, the University operates Peer Tutoring Centers. Individualized tutoring and other help options are also available through Academic Development.
Please send comments to jmackey@andrew.cmu.edu |