A Variational Model for Infinite Perimeter Segmentations Based on Lipschitz Level Set Functions: Denoising While Keeping Finely Oscillatory Boundaries

Marco Barchiesi
48160 Derio, Spain

Sung Ha Kang
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Mathematics
Atlanta, GA 30332-0160 kang@math.gatech.edu

Triet M. Le
Yale University
Department of Mathematics
New Haven, CT 06511

Massimiliano Morini
30414 Trieste, Italy

Marcello Ponsiglione
Università di Roma ``La Sapienza'' Dipartimento di matematica
00185 Roma, Italy

Abstract: We propose a new model for segmenting piecewise constant images with irregular object boundaries: a variant of the Chan-Vese model [10], where the length penalization of the boundaries is replaced by the area of their neighborhood of thickness .. Our aim is to keep fine details and irregularities of the boundaries while denoising additive Gaussian noise. For the numerical computation we revisit the classical BV level set formulation [23] considering suitable Lipschitz level set functions instead of BV ones.

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