We are pleased to announce that the 14th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms „RS&A2009” will be held in Poznan, Poland, 3-7 August, 2009. The conference, organized biennially since 1983, brings together probabilists, discrete mathematicians and theoretical computer scientists working in probabilistic methods, random structures and randomized algorithms.
On Monday, August 3, the first day of the conference, we shall celebrate the 60th birthday of Professor Vojtech Rödl. On this occasion, we plan to organize a special session, while the welcome/birthday party will be held in the evening.
The list of plenary speakers includes:
Tom Bohman (Carnegie Mellon University)The conference will be held in Hotel Trawinski, our traditional place nearby Cytadela Park. We have arranged with the hotel a special rate of 250 PLN for a single room, and 440 PLN (220 PLN per person) for a double room per night. Please note that this price includes full board: breakfast, lunch and dinner. You may prefer to choose a flat rate of 1300 PLN (single occupancy) or 1120 PLN (double occupancy, per person) for 6 nights, starting from Sunday, August 2 and ending on Saturday morning of August 8.
David Conlon (Cambridge University)
Ravi Kannan (Yale University)
Nati Linial (Hebrew University)
Oliver Riordan (Oxford University)
Benny Sudakov (UCLA)
Tibor Szabó (McGill University)
Important! Since the hotel and its conference facilities can accommodate a limited number of participants only, we would like you to email rsa2009@amu.edu.pl at your earliest convenience but not later than by January 31, 2009 if you intend to take part in the conference. By the end of February we shall confirm your preliminary registration and ask you to complete the final registration form via our webpage (by May 15).
The conference fee is 600 PLN (approximately 150 EUR at the moment) paid in cash at the registration desk upon arrival (by Tuesday morning). It includes the cost of the welcome party, excursion and banquet.
Our contact e-mail address is: rsa2009@amu.edu.pl
For more information, please look at the conference website: https://www.math.cmu.edu/rsa2009/index.php
We are looking forward to hearing from you.