Adam Larios
Afilliation: Texas A&M University
Title: The Voigt Regularization for Inviscid Hydrodynamic Models
Abstract: Recently, the Voigt-regularization, which is related to the alpha-models of turbulent flows, has been investigated as a regularization of various fluid models. It overcomes many of the problems present in other alpha-models; for example, it is well-posed in bounded domains, and, in periodic domains, it is globally well-posed even in the case of zero viscosity. Moreover, in studying the limit as the regularization parameter tends to zero, a new criterion for the finite-time blow-up of the original equations arises. I will discuss recent analytical and numerical work on the Voigt-regularization for the 3D Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations. Time permitting, I will discuss extensions of this work to the 2D Boussinesq and 3D MHD Equations equations.
Slides: LariosAdam.pdf