Carnegie Mellon

21-241 Matrices and Linear Transformations

Home Course Information Canvas Schedule Policies

Grading Policies


The course will have three mid-term exams and a final exam.

The Exams will be closed book and calculators will not be allowed. If you miss a scheduled exam, a makeup will be given with a significant penalty. In case of documented illness or family emergency or documented University sponsored trips the penalty will not apply.

The final exam has not yet been scheduled. It may take place as late as . If you must make travel plans before the exam schedule is released, you should not schedule your departure from campus before December 17. No student will be allowed to take the final exam early.


A typical week will have two homework assignments: an online assignment due on Wednesday evening, and a written assignment due on Friday.

The online assignmet will tend toward straightforward problems, with the goal of helping you identify misunderstandings. Any confusion can then be addressed during Recitation on Thursday.

The written assignments will generally have more conceptual or more involved problems. You may turn in your written homework at the beginning or end of lecture on the due date. Homework turned in after 10:30 will be regarded as late.

Late homework assignments will be accepted until solutions to the problem set are provided, typically the Tuesday after the due date. The first late homework will be given full credit. Thereafter, the late assignments will be penalized. The second will be given half credit, the third 1/3 credit, and so on. The tenth late homework and any subsequent late homeworks will be given no credit.

Grade Computation

The final grade for the course will be determined by your performance on the homework, the three midterm exams, and the final exam. The weights for computing your final average will be:

Homework        15%
Midterms        60%
Final exam      25%

Letter Grades

For Homework assignments, the letter grade grade cutoffs will be assigned according to the following scheme:

A: > 85, B: 75-84, C: 65-74, D: 50-64, R: < 49.

Grade cutoffs for the Mid-term and Final exams will be determined after each exam. Grade cutoffs for final grades will be computed by averaging the grade cutoffs for each assignment

Other Policies

Classroom Courtesy

When attending class, please act in a manner that maintains a positive learning environment. Avoid behavior that may be distracting to your classmates or your instructor.

You should schedule your activities in a way that allows you to arrive before the start of class, and remain throughout the entire class period. If it should be necessary to arrive late or leave early, please do so with a minimum of commotion. In particular, you should make an effort to sit near the door and at the end of a row.

At times during the course, you may need to talk to your neighbor to check a fact or clarify a point. Lengthy discussions, however, are to be avoided. If you find yourself involved in more than a brief exchange, you should consider raising your hand and asking your instructor to clarify the point. Chances are that you are not the only one feeling confused.

If you will be using a laptop or mobile device during lecture, please sit in the back section of the classroom, so your screen is not a distraction to other students.

Academic Integrity

This is a very important topic, and one about which I feel quite strongly.

For the purposes of this course adhering to Carnegie Mellon's Statement on Academic Integrity means primarily one thing: making sure that work you turn in for credit is yours and yours alone.

This does not mean you can't work with other students. Indeed I strongly encourage you to form study groups. Working together to find solutions to homework problems or while studying for exams benefits everyone involved. When someone explains something to you, you gain the benefits of their understanding. Explaining topics to another student forces you to clarify your own ideas.

It is clear that when an exam begins collaboration stops, and each student works alone to complete the problems. But what does it mean for a homework paper to be "your own work"? Once you have found a solution, you should write it up by yourself. You may need to refer to notes you have taken while collaborating, but you should not be referring to other peoples written work while producing your own.

Now proceed to the First Homework Assignment

Save your receipt.

How to succeed in this course (and elsewhere).

If bad comes to worse...