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Our next example is a similar minimization problem but this time subject to the
Euler equation. Namely,
(82) |
, and
is the solution of the Euler equation.
stands for the variables
. The Euler equations in conservation form are written as
(83) |
(84) |
where the matrices
can be found, for example, in Hirsch [12].
An important property of the equation that we use here is
(85) |
The change
in the flux vector
(86) |
and similar expressions for
The equation for the perturbation quantities reads
(87) |
or equivalently,
(88) |
Now consider the following identity which follows from integration by parts,
(89) |
and similar integrals for the
Combining these identities we arrive at
(90) |
for an arbitrary
We will use the notation
(91) |
and note that
is the normal flux at the boundary
which has the form, see Hirsch [12],
(92) |
and at a wall where
, it reduces to
(93) |
We have
following (84),(86) and its analog for the
terms, and
(94) |
Combining the last equalities and
from (75),
we get
(95) |
where we used the notation
, and
The wall boundary condition
(96) |
becomes upon perturbation
(97) |
and as before we transfer this boundary condition to the original boundary
(98) |
Collecting only the
terms we get
(99) |
The variation of the functional
![$\displaystyle \delta J = \int _{\Gamma} [ (p - p^*) \tilde p + \alpha (p - p^*) \frac{\partial p}{\partial n}- \alpha \frac{(p-p^*)^2}{2R} ] ds$](img223.png) |
(100) |
will be simplified by adding (90) to it,
but with a choice of
which makes the volume integral vanish.
Thus, we assume that
(101) |
Using (90),(95) it leads to
(102) |
Now we come to use the boundary conditions for
We begin with the far field
. We assume that the
boundary conditions there are given in terms of characteristic variables and assume
is the matrix such that
are the characteristic
We write the far field term as
(103) |
We distinguish the following cases.
Supersonic inflow: all variables are specified at inflow, and thus
Thus, no boundary conditions are imposed on
Supersonic outflow: No boundary conditions are specified for
, hence
is arbitrary there and therefore we are led to the choice
at supersonic outflow.
Subsonic inflow: 4 conditions are specified (3 in 2D), and those are
is arbitrary, leading to
. Subsonic outflow: one condition is given
which implies
and therefore
On the wall
we choose
(104) |
In summary, the boundary conditions for
(105) |
With this choice for
together with the interior equation (101) we
get that
involves integrals depending on
and not on
Rearrangement by using integration by parts gives,
![$\displaystyle \delta J =
\int _\Gamma \alpha [- \frac{(p-p^*)^2}{2R} + (p-p^*) \frac{\partial p}{\partial n}-div (p \lambda )]ds.$](img238.png) |
(106) |
The gradient of the functional in this case is therefore given by
(107) |
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Shlomo Ta'asan