Reinaldo Resende
Wean Hall 7124
Department of Mathematics
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, USA

I was recently awarded with the Gutierrez Prize 2024 and USP 2024 Thesis of Distinction in STEM fields. Click on CV tab for more info.

Forthcoming trips.
Dec 7-17, 2024: Visiting IAS, Princeton.
Feb 27th, 2024: Seminar at UCSD, San Diego.
Jun 10-19, 2025: "Geometric Measure Theory and some related topics" at University of Pisa.
Jun 23-27, 2025: "International geometric analysis conference in Milan" at Bocconi University.
Jul 21-25, 2025: "Mathematical Congress of the Americas" at University of Miami.
Jul 27th-Aug 1st, 2025: 35 CBM at IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.

Short bio. I grew up in Capão Redondo, one of the biggest favelas in São Paulo, Brazil, and I was a first-generation student.

Since Sep/23, I am a postdoctoral researcher at CMU (Carnegie Mellon University), mentored by Robin Neumayer.
I completed my Ph.D. in Jul/23, at IME-USP (University of São Paulo) under the supervision of Stefano Nardulli and Camillo De Lellis.

Some of my favorite mottos that align with my trajectory and beliefs are:

É necessário sempre acreditar que um sonho é possível. Que o céu é o limite e você, truta, é imbatível. (Racionais)

Hard work will always overcome natural talent when natural talent does not work hard enough!

Unfairness is a given; resilience is a choice.

Theorems are corollaries of understanding.