We'd like for P and H to be the only vertices of odd degree duplicating as cheap as a set of edges as possible. Thus changing the parity of the degree of the colored vertices above suffices. There are many ways of doing this paying a cost 16; one way is highlighted above.
Let's do this by induction on . If
then our graph is iteslf
a perfect matching. Suppose the claim holds for
-regular bipartite
graphs. By the Marriage Theorem we know our
-regular bipartite graph
has a perfect matching. Deleting the edges of this perfect matching yields
-regular bipartite graph, which by the induction hypothesis can
be partioned into
perfect matchings. Adding the matching we removed
gives us a total of
Note that the proof above actually gives us an algorithm assuming we can find one. Find a perfect matching, delete its edges, and repeat until the resulting graph is itself a perfect matching.
Recall that for any graph, , where
is a matching and
is a vertex cover. In particular the red vertices comprise a vertex
cover of size 20, hence we have that
for any matching
Thus the graph cannot have a perfect matching, which needs 21 edges.
Here's another proof. A perfect matching of the graph needs to match all the red vertices to the black ones, since the red-black coloring is a proper 2-coloring. But there are 20 red vertices and 22 black vertices, so this is impossible.