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Math 241 Fall 2018
Linear Algebra
Course Syllabus
Course: Math 241
Title: Linear Algebra
Textbook: The required text for this course is Coding the Matrix by Philip Klein. In addition, we will use several online materials (all available for free) to supplement. In particular, we will make use of the following:
Subject Material:
This course will cover the basics of linear algebra, with an emphasis on tools, concepts, and applications that are particularly useful in the study of computer science.
The first half of the course builds necessary ingredients, including basic vector arithmetic, linear systems, matrices and matrix equations, and vector spaces. The second half of the course focuses on concepts with broad applications, such as dimension and dimension reduction, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, singular values, orthogonality and orthogonal projection, and least squares. If time permits, we will also spend a bit of time discussing Markov chains.
Throughout the course, we will incorporate Python programming as a way to both perform necessary computations and to explore the algorithms and techniques of Linear Algebra. No Python background is assumed, although it is assumed that all students either have some basic programming experience or are taking an introductory programming class concurrent to this course.
Lecture: Attending the lecture is a fundamental part of the course; you will be responsible for material presented in lecture regardless of whether it is discussed in the textbook.
Reading: Reading the assigned items corresponding to the class lectures and homework exercises is considered part of the homework assignment; you will be responsible for material in the assigned readings regardless of whether it is discussed in lecture. You are expected to read the assigned material in advance of the lecture.
Classroom Conduct: In the classroom, a certain level of respect and attentiveness is expected. Please do not use phones or computers, play games, or talk to friends during lecture. This can be distracting to other students and the instructor.
Calculators: A calculator is not required for this course. The use of any calculators or other electronic equipment will NOT be permitted on exams.
Homework: Homework problems will be assigned on the course homework page, and should be completed and turned in by the beginning of class on the indicated due date. You should make every effort to complete the homework assignments and seek help with problems you have been unable to solve. You may turn in one assignment late (no later than one class period) without permission.
Exams: There will be two exams given during the regular lecture hour. Please see the course calendar for the specific dates. More information will be provided within 1 week of the exam. These exams will not be cumulative. See exam policies below.
Final Exam: There will be a cumulative final exam at the end of the course. More information, dates, and topics to be covered will be provided at the end of the semester.
Exam Policies: No calculators or other electronic devices will be allowed during the exams. Unless you have a very serious, well documented, and compelling reason to miss an exam, there will be no makeup exams, for any reason.
Project: In lieu of a third midterm exam, there will be a final project for this course. This project will have two parts; first, some Python code, and second, a paper explaining the algorithm and application of that code. There will be several different topics available to you to choose from. More information and details about this project will be provided after the first exam.
Regrades: If you wish to have a problem on an exam or homework assignment regraded for any reason, the following procedure must be followed. Failure to follow this procedure will result in an inability to have any assignment regraded.
- Hand the assignment back to the person who returned it to you the same day that you received it. This person will then deliver your assignment to the professor.
- Make an appointment with the professor (or come to office hours) within one week. At that appointment, you will be provided with a written form detailing the reason for your desired regrade. You will be able to refer back to the assignment during this time.
- The professor will then review your request as well as your written comments and make any necessary changes. Your assignment will be returned to you thereafter with a written response to your request.
Grading: Your final course grade will be based on the following weighted average:
- 20% Homework
- 15% Each Midterm Exam
- 20% Project
- 30% Final Exam
A curve may be applied to final scores or individual examinations at the instructor's discretion. Regardless of the curve, the following basic rubric will be in place:
- Scores above 90%: A
- Scores above 80%: At least B
- Scores above 70%: At least C
- Scores above 60%: At least D
Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty is a serious offense, carrying serious administrative sanctions. Any instance of dishonesty will be pursued by the professor. It is in your best interest to follow all policies laid out here and elsewhere on the website, and familiarize yourself with the university guidelines for academic honesty. Please help maintain both your own integrity and the integrity of Carnegie Mellon University.
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