Ernest Schimmerling ; Basic and Intermediate Logic ; Chapter 5 exercises

© 2013, 2014 Ernest Schimmerling

Online textbook for Basic and Intermediate Logic

Exercises for Chapter 5

Exercise 5.1

Let A be a Σ1 set.

Prove that there is a function f : A → ω such that f is a Δ0 relation.

Exercise 5.2

Define a function f : ω ↔ ω as follows.

Clearly, f is not a Δ0 function.

It is pretty clear that we could write a program to compute values of f.

By Lemma 5.6, which we did not prove, f is a Δ1 function.

Give a direct description of a Σ1 formula that defines f over ℕ.


"Direct" means do not go through computer programs at all.

To build φ , part of what you need to explain is why the set

    { ⌜ ψ ⌝ ∣ ψ is a formula whose free variables are v0 and v1 }

is appropriately definable over ℕ .

The set happens to be a Δ0 set but showing that it is Δ1 would be enough for this application.

Exercise 5.3

Find a formula SUB ( u , v , w ) in the language of arithmetic such that for every m , n ∈ ω

    Q ⊢ SUB ( S m ( Z ) , S n ( Z ) , S m ∸ n ( Z ) )


    Q ⊢ ∀ w ( SUB ( S m ( Z ) , S n ( Z ) , w ) → w ≈ S m ∸ n ( Z ) ) .

Prove your formula has this property.

Exercise 5.4

Finish the proofs of the facts mentioned in § 5.3.

Exercise 5.5

Prove that | ℕ' | is uncountable where ℕ' = Ult ( ℕ , U ) and U is a nonprincipal ultrafilter over ω.

Hint: Start by proving the following combinatorial fact. For every sequence ⟨ fi ∣ i ∈ ω ⟩ of functions on ω, there exists a function g on ω such that for every i ∈ ω there exists m ∈ ω such that for every n ∈ ω, if m ≤ n, then g ( n ) > fi ( n ).

Exercise 5.6

Let U be a nonprincipal ultrafilter over ω and ℕ' = Ult ( ℕ , U ).

Let ℕ'' be a model of Theory ( ℕ ) and x̅'' ∈ | ℕ'' |n.

Prove that there exists x̅' ∈ | ℕ' |n such that, for every formula φ ( u̅ ) in the language of arithmetic,

    ℕ'' ⊨ φ ( x̅'' )


    ℕ' ⊨ φ ( x̅' ).

Remarks on terminology:

The set of formulas true about x̅'' in ℕ'' is called a complete n-type for Theory ( ℕ ).

Recall that atomic types were used in the proof of Theorem 4.11.

Exercise 5.6 shows that every consistent n-type for Theory ( ℕ ) is realized by an n-tuple in the ultrapower.

Because of this, one says that the ultrapower is saturated.

Exercise 5.7

Let φ ( u̅ ) be a bounded formula.

Prove there is a bounded formula φ* ( u̅ ) in which all the bounded quantifiers lead a quantifier-free subformula such that

    ⊢ ∀ u̅ ( φ ↔ φ* ).

Hint: Use induction on the complexity of φ. You may assume that φ is built-up from atomic formulas using just negation, disjunction and bounded quantification.

Exercise 5.9

Let A and B be Σ1 sets.

Find Σ1 sets A* and B* such that   A ⊇ A* ,   B ⊇ B* ,   A* ∩ B* = { }   and   A* ∪ B* = A ∪ B .

Hint: Intuitively, let A* be the set of n that get into A before they get into B.

Remark on terminology: This is the reduction property for Σ1 sets.

Exercise 5.10

Let A and B be disjoint Π1 sets.

Find a Δ1 set C such that   A ⊆ C   and   B ⊆ ℕ - C .

Hint: Use Exercise 5.9.

Remark on terminology: This is the separation property for Π1 sets.

Exercise 5.11

Let A be a Δ1 set.

Prove that there are Σ1 formulas φ ( u ) and ψ ( u ) such that, for every n ∈ ω ,

    n ∈ A   iff   Q ⊢ φ ( Sn ( Z ) )


    n ∉ A   iff   Q ⊢ ψ ( Sn ( Z ) ) .

Hint: An idea from the proof of Lemma 5.16 is relevant here.

Exercise 5.12

For R : ω × ω , we say that R is a binary relation that is representable in Q iff there is a formula φ ( u , v ) such that for every m , n ∈ ω,

    if ( m , n ) ∈ R, then Q ⊢ φ ( S m ( Z ) , Sn ( Z ) )


    if ( m , n ) ∉ R, then Q ⊢ ¬ φ ( S m ( Z ) , Sn ( Z ) ) .

  1. Prove that the following are equivalent.
    • f is a unary function and f is a binary relation that is representable in Q.
    • f is a unary function that is representable in Q.

  2. Prove that the following are equivalent.
    • R is a binary relation that is representable in Q.
    • R is a Δ1 binary relation.

Exercise 5.13

Prove that for every function Σ1 function from ωk to ω is a Δ1 function.

Exercise 5.14 [ Tweak this ]

Suppose that   f : ωk → ω   and   g : ω × ω × ωk → ω   are Σ1 functions.

Recursively define   h : ω × ωk → ω   by the equations

    h ( 0 , n̅ ) = f ( n̅ )


    h ( m + 1 , n̅ ) = g ( h ( m , n̅ ) , m , n̅ ) .

Prove that h is a Σ1 function.

Exercise 5.15 [ Tweak this ]

Recursive functions are built up according to the following scheme.

  1. Prove that for every function f : ωk → ω , if f is recursive, then f is Σ1.
  2. Prove that for every function f : ωk → ω , if f is Σ1 , then f is recursive.

Exercise 5.16 [ Not sure ]

Define a model ℕ' of Q with some x ∈ | ℕ' | with Aℕ' ( Zℕ' , x ) ≠ x.

Vague hint:

Let ℕ'' be a nonstandard model of Theory ( ℕ ) .

Let x and y be infinite members of | ℕ' | .

Try to define a model ℕ' of Q with