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Abstract Algebra (Math 330) — Fall 2019

Welcome to Math 330! This is a three-quarter sequence in abstract algebra. This quarter serves as an introduction to the tools and techniques of group theory. Groups arise anywhere that there is symmetry, which it turns out is... everywhere, both within mathematics (e.g. in geometry and number theory) and outside of mathematics (e.g. in cryptography and chemistry). In this course we will study groups and their mathematical properties in depth.

Most administrative aspects of the course will be handled using Canvas.

Time and place.

  • Class. MoWeFr 10:00–10:50pm in Parkes Hall 212.
  • Discussion. Th 10:00–10:50pm in Frances Searle 1-421.

Examinations. There will be two midterm exams and a final exam.

  • Midterm 1. During discussion (10:00–10:50am) on Thursday 17th October.
  • Midterm 2. During discussion (10:00–10:50am) on Thursday 14th November.
  • Final. 3:00–5:00pm on Wednesday 11th December.

Course calendar

The following calendar contains important dates related to Math 330, as well as the times and locations of my classes, discussions and office hours.