21-110: List of potential topics
This is a list of interesting topics in recreational mathematics; it can
serve as a rough road map of places we might go this semester. We won’t
have time to look at everything here, and we may investigate things I
didn’t think of when I compiled this list. If something on this list
seems especially interesting to you, let me know!
- Problem-solving techniques
- Puzzles and logic
- Chessboard problems
- Magic squares and magic hexagons
- Knights and knaves, truth-tellers and liars
- The game of SET
- Logical paradoxes
- Conway’s Game of Life
- Sudoku, kakuro, Ken-Ken
- Mazes
- Shapes and geometry
- Polyominoes
- Symmetry and tilings
- Dissection problems
- Origami
- Fractals
- Math in art
- The golden ratio
- Three-dimensional shapes: Platonic solids, Archimedean solids,
Keplerian solids, Euler’s formula
- Higher-dimensional geometry (the fourth dimension and beyond)
- Topology: four-color theorem, spheres and toruses, Möbius
strip, Klein bottle, knot theory
- Numbers and number theory
- Palindromes and repunits
- Fibonacci numbers, Lucas numbers, and recursion
- Divisibility
- Prime numbers and the sieve of Eratosthenes
- Prime factorization and the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
- Special primes: Fermat
primes, Mersenne primes, Sophie Germain primes
- Diophantine
- Pythagorean triples, Fermat’s Last Theorem, Euler bricks
- Triangular numbers, square numbers, tetrahedral numbers, etc.
- Ulam’s spiral
- Modular arithmetic and finite fields
- Bases and cryptarithmetic
- Unsolved conjectures in number theory:
- Twin primes conjecture
- Existence of a perfect cuboid
- Goldbach’s conjecture
- Gilbreath’s conjecture
- Hailstone (Collatz) conjecture
- Smallest Sierpinski number
- Infinitude of palindromic primes
- Normality of π
- Existence of an odd perfect
- Unimaginably large numbers
- Irrationality
of √2
- History and approximations of π
- Set theory and combinatorics
- Principle of inclusion–exclusion
- Infinite sets, Hilbert’s Hotel
- How to count without counting
- Permutations and combinations
- Pascal’s triangle
- Latin squares
- Graph theory
- The Königsberg bridge problem
- Eulerian and Hamiltonian paths
- Knight’s tour
- Bridge-crossing and river-crossing problems
- Weighted graphs and spanning trees
- The traveling salesman problem
- Graph coloring, scheduling with conflict graphs
- Word graphs
- Probability
- Conditional probability and the Monty Hall problem
- Random sampling, sampling bias, extrapolation from a sample
- Statistics
- Expected value, fair games
- How many times do we need to shuffle a deck of cards to make it
“perfectly” random?
- Game theory
- Nim
- Tower of Hanoi
- Rock, paper, scissors
- Tic-tac-toe
- Prisoners’ dilemma, travelers’ dilemma, pirate game,
three-person duel
- Auctions
- Nontransitive dice
- Conway’s angel problem
- Games on graphs: cops and robbers, sprouts
- Voting and apportionment methods
- Codes and cryptography
- Check digits
- Substitution ciphers
- Data compression
- Error-correcting codes
- Philosophy of mathematics
- The nature of mathematical proof
- Is mathematics discovered or invented?
- Foundational issues of mathematics
to the 21-110 page
Last updated 19 March 2010.
Brian Kell