21-110: Source files for Homework 2 solutions

The solutions to Homework 2 are available in PDF form (homework-2-sol.pdf). This will be the most useful format for most people. Unless you are one of the few people that are interested in the source files, you don’t need anything else.

The main TeX source file is homework-2-sol.tex. Please note that this is written in plain TeX, not in the more commonly used dialect called LaTeX, so it should be compiled with tex homework-2-sol.tex (or pdftex homework-2-sol.tex for PDF output). You will need to have the MetaPost drawings already compiled.

The main MetaPost source file, containing the source for all 129 drawings, is homework-2-sol.mp. If you have MetaPost (it’s commonly bundled with a TeX distribution), you can compile this by typing mpost homework-2-sol.mp at a command line.

If you don’t have MetaPost, or you simply don’t see a need to compile the MetaPost drawings yourself, you can download the compiled drawings listed below.

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Last updated 17 February 2010. Brian Kell <bkell@cmu.edu>