Here are some text books of roughly the level of the course.
I won't follow any one of them slavishly.

A Course in Combinatorics by J. van Lint and R. Wilson (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press.
Combinatorics by P. Cameron. Cambridge University Press.
Discrete Mathematics by N. Biggs (Second Edition). Oxford University Press.
Invitation to Discrete Mathematics by J. Matousek and J. Nesetril. Oxford University Press.
Introductory Combinatorics by R. Brualdi (Third Edition). Prentice Hall.
Foundations of Applied Combinatorics by E. Bender and S. Williamson. Addison-Wesley.
Applied Combinatorics by F. Roberts and B. Tesman (Second Edition). Prentice Hall
Combinatorial Mathematics by D. West. Cambridge University Press