On the characterization of geometrically necessary
dislocations in finite plasticity
Dipartimento di Matematics
Universit`a di Torno
I-10123 Torino, Italy
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Carneige Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Abstract. We develop a general theory of
geometrically necessary dislocations based on the decomposition
The incompability of
and that of
are characterized by a single tensor
giving the Burgers vector, measured and reckoned
per unit area in the microstructural (intermediate) configuration. We
show that G may be expressed in terms of Fpand the referential curl of Fp, or equivalently in terms of Fe-1 and the
spatial curl of Fe-1. We derive explicit
relations for
in terms of Euler angles for a
rigid-plastic material and -- without neglecting elastic strains --
for strict plane strain and strict antiplane shear. We discuss the
relationship between G and the distortion of
microstructural planes. We show that kinematics alone yields a
balance law for the transport of geometrically necessary dislocations.
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