Mingxin XuI am a Ph.D student in Mathematical Finance at Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University. Here is my resume.
Joint work with Steven Shreve, "Minimizing shortfall risk using duality approach-an application to partial hedging in incomplete markets", Ph.D. thesis, 2004. Here is the PDF file. Joint work with Jan Vecer, "Pricing Asian options in a semimartingale model", Quantitative Finance, 4, 170-175. Here is the PDF file. Joint work with Jan Vecer, "Mean comparison theorem cannot be extended to Poisson case, to appear in Journal of Applied Probability, 41, 4, 2004. Here is the PDF file. Joint work with Jan Vecer and Olympia Hadjiliadis, "Risk minimization control for beating the market strategies", submitted, 2003. Here is the PDF file. Last update: March 18, 2004 |