"The t-tone chromatic number of random graphs."
Submitted. [Co-Authors:
D. Bal
A. Dudek
A. Frieze
"A greedy algorithm for finding a large 2-matching on a random cubic graph."
Submitted. [Co-Authors:
D. Bal
T. Bohman
A. Frieze
"A natural barrier in random greedy hypergraph matching."
Submitted. [Co-Authors:
T. Bohman
"Integer-Magic Spectra of Trees of Diameter Five."
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing
66 (2008), 105-111. [Co-Authors:
E. Salehi
"On Integer-Magic Spectra of Caterpillars."
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing
62 (2007), 45-51. [Co-Authors:
E. Salehi