Time: | 12 - 1:20 p.m. |
Room: |
PPB 300
Speaker: |
Stephen Simpson Professor Department of Mathematics Pennsylvania State University |
Title: |
Almost Everywhere Domination
Abstract: |
This is joint work with Natasha Dobrinen. Consider the usual "fair
coin" measure on the space C of infinite sequences of 0's and 1's.
Let us say that a Turing degree d is almost everywhere dominating if
for almost all X in C there exists a function of degree d which
eventually dominates all functions recursive in X. We present some
partial results on the problem of characterizing the Turing degrees
which are almost everywhere dominating. We show how this problem is
related to a problem in the reverse mathematics of measure theory. We
also consider some related notions and problems.
Organizer's note: | This week, lunch will be provided.