Heath Lectures, May 15-19, 2006
Plan of the lectures given by Freddy Delbaen.
- Monetary utility functions on L-infinity and their
representations, the coherent and the concave case, the Fatou
property and the weak compactness property.
- The relation with VaR and some examples. The extension to spaces
of non-integrable random variables.
- Capital allocation problems and exposed points, the problem of
- The inf-convolution and the Fatou property. Dynamic risk measures.
- Different characterizations of time consistency. The case of
Brownian Motion and BSDE.
Plan of the lectures given by Alexander Schied.
- Structure theorems for TailVaR and general law-invariant risk measures.
- Risk measures in financial markets.
- Quantification of model risk in finance and economics.
- Optimal investments under model uncertainty: complete market.
- Optimal investments under model uncertainty: incomplete market.