Models and Methods of Optimization (Math 21-257)
Syllabus : Please click here for a copy of the course syllabus.
Schedule : MWF, 2:30 - 3:20 pm, Room DH2210
Text : Introduction to Mathematical Programming, Russel Walker, 1999.
Homework Problems
- Homework 1: Section 1.4, Pbms. 4,6,8,10. (Due: 01/20/05)
- Homework 2: Pg.25: #14, Pg.33:#1, Pg.37:#3, Pg.46:#2,6,7,Pg.53:#7,Pg.65:#1a,7. (Due: 02/03/05)
- Homework 3: Section 3.3: Pbms. 1, 3, 5. (Due: 02/17/05 in Recitation)
- Homework 4: Section 3.6: Pbms. 4, 5, Section 3.7: Pbms. 1,2 (Just formulate the dual problem-do not perform any other calculation) (Due: 03/03/05 in Recitation)
- Homework 5: Section 3.8: Pbms. 1, 3, 6(a,d), 7(a,b,c,d) (Do just the parts of Pbms. 6 and 7 that are indicated. This hw is due on 03/31/05 in Recitation).
- Homework 6: Section 4.2, Pbms. 1(a,b), 5. Section 7.2, Pbms: 1, 3(a,b), Pbm. (*) (Due: 04/14/05 in recitation).
Pbm.(*): An Airport shuttle must drop off 3 of its customers from the airport to 3 different hotels (hotels: A,B,C). The distance from the airport
(labelled AP) to the
hotels, in miles, is as follows: AP-A: 20, AP-B: 10, AP-C: 17. Also, A-B: 7, A-C: 25, B-C: 22. (a) Generate all the hamiltonian trips starting from the airport
using a tree diagram and (b) find the trip with the minimum distance.
- Homework 7: Section 7.7, Pbms.1,2,5,7 (Due: 04/28/05 in recitation).
Useful links
Introduction to Math Software (Math 21-126)
Syllabus : Please click here for a copy of the course syllabus.
Schedule : Thu, 10:30-11:20, 11:30-12:20, 12:30-1:20, Hunt Cluster
Useful Links