The 15th International Conference on
<br>RANDOM STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS, Poznań, August 05-09, 2013

We are pleased to announce that the 16th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms "RS&A2013" will be held in Poznan, Poland, 5-9 August, 2013. The conference, organized biennially since 1983, brings together probabilists, discrete mathematicians and theoretical computer scientists working in probabilistic methods, random structures and randomized algorithms. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the first conference we have invited our long-time colleagues and friends associated with conference from its very beginning to give talks at the special session on Monday. The session will start with the opening lecture by Professor Bela Bollobas whose 70th birthday we celebrate this year.

The list of plenary speakers includes:

Special invited speaker

Béla Bollobás Cambridge University and University of Memphis

Special session invited speakers

Alan Frieze Carnegie Mellon University
Geoffrey Grimmett Cambridge University
Svante Janson Uppsala University
Gyula Katona Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Jarik Nesetřil Charles University
Vera Sós Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Joel Spencer Courant Institute, NYU

Plenary speakers

Noga Alon Tel Aviv University
Gil Kalai Hebrew University
Michael Krivelevich Tel Aviv University
Oleg Pikhurko University of Warwick
Mathias Schacht University of Hamburg
Prasad Tetali Georgia Institute of Technology

The conference will be held at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Adam Mickiewicz University and is cosponsored by the Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences.

We have arranged with the Mercure Hotel a special rate of 250 PLN for a single room, and 290 PLN (145 PLN per person) for a double room per night. The conference fee is 800 PLN (approximately 200 EUR at the moment) paid in cash at the registration desk upon arrival (by Tuesday morning). It includes the cost of lunches (Monday - Friday), the welcome party and banquet.

On Monday, August 5, the first day of the conference welcome party will be held in the evening.

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