Abstract: Motivated by the pricing of American options for
baskets we consider a parabolic variational inequality in a bounded polyhedral
with a continuous piecewise smooth
obstacle. We formulate a fully discrete method by using piecewise linear finite
elements in space and the backward Euler method in time. We define an a
posteriori error estimator and show that it gives an upper bound for the error
. The error estimator is localized in the sense that
the size of the elliptic residual is only relevant in the approximate
non-contact region, and the approximability of the obstacle is only relevant in
the approximate contact region. We also obtain lower bound results for the
space error indicators in the non-contact region, and for the time error
estimator. Numerical results for
show that the error estimator decays
with the same rate as the actual error when the space meshsize
and the time
tend to zero. Also, the error indicators capture the correct
behavior of the errors in both the contact and the non-contact regions.