Publication 25-CNA-007
Dislocation Patterning as a Mechanism for Flat Band Formation
Aziz Fall
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Kaushik Dayal
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Center for Nonlinear Analysis
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Pittsburgh Quantum Institute, University of Pittsburgh
Abstract: We compute the second-order correction to the electronic dispersion relation of a free electron gas interacting with an effective electron-dislocation potential, derived from a modern quantized theory of dislocations. Our results demonstrate that dislocation patterning induces anisotropic flat bands in the electronic dispersion under specific strain fields and directions, referred to as “magic” parameters. These flat bands acquire non-zero curvature as the strain or direction deviates from these magic parameters.
Get the paper in its entirety as 25-CNA-007.pdf
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