Discrete Mathematics 21-228: Summer II 2000
Homework 7
Due Friday,
You may discuss the problems in groups of at most 3 people, but each person
must write her own homework. Please list the members of your group. You
may not use any sources other than the notes and texts listed on the course
Every morning the lazy postman takes a bus to the post office. Starting
there, he arranges his route so that he ends up at home to go back to sleep
as quickly as possible (NOT back at the post office). Below
is a map of the streets along which he must deliver mail, giving the number of
minutes required to walk each block, whether delivering or not. P denotes
the post office, and H denotes home. What must the duplicated edges
satisfy? What is the optimal route?
We showed in class that every
-regular bipartite graph has a perfect
matching, for
. Use this to show that every
-regular bipartite
graph can be partioned into
perfect matchings.
Exhibit a perfect matching in the graph below or give a short proof that it
has none.
[Hint: Is the graph bipartite?]