Highlights of the CNA publications co-authored by CNA trainees:
- Adams., B., D. Kinderlehrer, I. Livshits, D. Mason, W. Mullins, G. Rohrer, A. Rollett, D. Saylor, S. Ta'asan, and C.-t. Wu, Extracting grain boundaries and surface energy from measurement of triple junction geometry, Interface Science 7 (1999) 321.
- Argall, B., E. Cheleshkin, J. Greenberg, C. Hinde, and P.-J. Lin, A rigorous treatment of a follow-the-leader traffic model with traffic lights present, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 63 (2002) 149.
- Barroso, A. C., I. Fonseca and R. Toader, A relaxation theorem in the space of functions of bounded deformation, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa, Cl. Sc. 29 (2000) 19.
- Belanger, A., S. Shreve and D. Wong, A unified model for credit derivatives, Mathematical Finance.
- Bocea, M. and I. Fonseca, Equi-integrability results for 3D-2D dimension reduction problems, ESAIM:COCV 7 (2002) 443.
- Bouchitté, G., I. Fonseca, G. Leoni, and L. Mascarenhas, A global method for relaxation in
and in
, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 165 (2002) 187.
- Brandon, D., I. Fonseca, and P. Swart, The creation and propagation of oscillations in a dynamical model of displacive phase transformations, Proc. Royal Soc. Edin. 131A (2001) 58.
- Carstensen, C. and M.O. Rieger, Numerical simulations in non-monotone elastodynamics involving Young-measure approximations, Journal of Computational Physics.
- Cermelli, P. and M. Gurtin, On the characterization of geometrically necessary dislocations in finite plasticity, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 49 (2000) 1539.
- Cermelli, P. and M. Gurtin, Geometrically necessary dislocations and viscoplastic single crystals and bicrystals undergoing small deformations, International Journal of Solids and Structures.
- Chen, X. and M. Kowalczyk, Slow dynamics of interior spikes in the shadow Gierer-Meinhardt system, Advances in Diff. Equations 6 (2001) 847.
- Chipot, M., D. Kinderlehrer, and Kowalczyk, M., A variational principle for molecular motors, Meccanica.
- Choksi, R., G. Del Piero, I. Fonseca, and D. Owen, Structured deformations, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 4 (1999) 321.
- Conti, S., I. Fonseca and G. Leoni, A Gamma-convergence result for the two-gradient theory of phase transitions, CPAM 55 (2002) 857.
- Dacorogna, B., I. Fonseca, J. Malý, and K. Trivisa, Relaxation problems under constraints, Calc. Var. 9 (1999) 185.
- Dal Maso, G., I. Fonseca, G. Leoni, and M. Morini, 2-Quasiconvexity versus 1-quasiconvexity, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
- Del Pino, M., M. Kowalczyk, and C. Chen, The Geirer and Meinhardt System: the breaking of homoclinics and multi-bump ground states, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 3 (2001) 419.
- Del Pino, M., P. Felmer, and M. Kowalczyk, Boundary Spikes in the Gierer-Meinhardt System , Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis.
- Deseri, L. and D. Owen, Energetics of Two-level shears and hardening of single crystals, Mathematics and Mechanics of Materials 1 (2002) 387.
- Deseri, L. and D. Owen, Invertible structured deformations and the geometry of multiple slip in single crystals, International Journal of Plasticity 18 2002 833.
- Deseri, L and D. Owen, Active slip band separation and the energetics of slip in single crystals, International Journal of Plasticity 16 (2000) 1411.
- Deseri, L. and D. Owen, Toward a field theory for elastic bodies undergoing disarrangements, Journal of Elasticity.
- Dolbeault, J., D. Kinderlehrer, and M. Kowalczyk, The flashing rachet: long time behavior and dynamical system behavior, Physica D.
- Doytchinov, B., J. Lehoczky, and S. Shreve, Real-time queues in heavy traffic with earliest-deadline-first queue discipline, Annals Appl. Probl. 11 (2000) 332.
- Fonseca, I., S. Müller, and G. Leoni,
-quasiconvexity: weak-star convergence and the gap, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Submitted.
- Fonseca, I., G. Leoni, and R. Paroni, On Hessian Matrices in the Space
, Communications in Contemporary Math., Submitted.
- Fonseca, I., G. Leoni, and R. Paroni, On lower semicontinuity in
and 2-quasiconvexification, Calc. of Var.
- Fonseca, I. and E. Zappale, Multiscale relaxation of convex functionals, J. Convex Analysis 10 (2003) 2.
- Fonseca, I., G. Leoni, J. Maly, and R. Paroni, A note on Meyer's theorem, Trans. A.M.S. 354 (2002) 3723.
- Fonseca, I. and G. Leoni, On lower semicontinuity and relaxation, Proc. Royal Soc. Edin. 131 (2001) 519.
- Fonseca, I. and G. Leoni, Some remarks on lower semicontinuity, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 49 (2000) 617.
- Fonseca, I. and G. Leoni, Relaxation results in micromagnetics, Richerche Mat. 49 (2000) 269.
- Fonseca, I. and G. Leoni, Bulk and contact energies: relaxation and nucleation, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 30 (1999) 190.
- Fonseca, I. and S. Müller, A-quasiconvexity: a necessary and sufficient condition for lower semicontinuity under PDE constraints, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 30 (1999) 1355.
- Fonseca, I., J. Schaeffer, and M. Shvartsman, Oscillations in one-dimensional elasticity with surface energy, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 3 (1999) 475.
- Fonseca, I., S. Müller, and P. Pedregal, Analysis of concentration and oscillation effects generated by gradients, SIAM J. Mathematical Analysis 29 (1998) 736-756.
- Fried, E. and M.E. Gurtin, A unified treatment of evolving interfaces with deformation and atomic transport: grain-boundaries, evaporation-condensation, epitaxy, coherency, Advances in Applied Mechanics.
- Fried, E. and M. Gurtin, A void based description of segregation and compaction in flowing granular materials, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics.
- Fried, E. and M.E. Gurtin, The role of configurational force balance in the nonequilibrium epitaxy of films, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 51 (2003) 487.
- Fried, E. and M.E. Gurtin, Coherent solid-state phase transitions with atomic diffusion: a thermo-mechanical treatment, J. Statist. Phys. 95 (1999) 1361.
- Heath, D., D. Kinderlehrer, and M. Kowalczyk, Discrete and continuous rachets: from coin toss to molecular motor, Discrete and Cont. Dynamical Systems 2 2002 153.
- K. Janecek and S. Shreve, Asymptotic analysis for optimal investment and consumption with transaction costs. To be submitted.
- Janecek, K. and S. Shreve, Asymptotic analysis for optimal investment and consumption with transaction costs, Finance and Stochastics.
- Kinderlehrer, D., I. Livshits and S. Ta'asan, A variational approach to the simulation of grain growth, To be submitted.
- Kinderlehrer, D. and M. Kowalczyk, Diffusion mediated transport and the flashing rachet, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 161 (2002) 149.
- Kinderlehrer, D., I. Livshits, D. Mason, and Ta'asan, The surface energy of MgO: multiscale reconstruction from thermal groove geometry, Interface Science 10 (2002) 233.
- Kinderlehrer, D. and M. Kowalczyk, Remarks about diffusion mediated transport, Ricerche Math. 49 (2000) 305.
- Jordan, R., D. Kinderlehrer, and F. Otto, Dynamics of the Fokker-Planck Equation, Phase Transitions 69 (1999) 271.
- Kinderlehrer, D. and D. Mason, Incoherence at heterogeneous interfaces, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 47 (1999) 271.
- Jordan, R., D. Kinderlehrer, and F. Otto, The variational formulation of the Fokker-Planck Equation, SIAM J. Math Anal. 29.1 (1998) 1-17.
- Kruk, L., J. Lehoczky, S. Shreve, and S.-N. Yeung, Earliest-deadline-first service in heavy-traffic acyclic networks. To be submitted.
- Kruk, L., J. Lehoczky, S. Shreve, and S.-N. Yeung, Multiple-input heavy-traffic real-times queues, Annals Proba. 13 (2003) 54.
- Kurzke, M., and M.O. Rieger, A relaxed model for step-terraces on crystalline surfaces, Journal of Convex Analysis.
- Leoni, G., and M. Morini, Some remarks on the analyticity of minimizers of free discontinuity problems, Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees.
- Liu, C. and N. Walkington, Mixed methods for the approximation of liquid crystal flows, Math. Modeling and Numer. Anal. 36 (2002) 205.
- Morini, M. and M. Rieger, On a volume constrained variational problem with lower order terms, Applied Mathematics and Optimization. Submitted.
- Morini, M. and M. Negri, Mumford-Shah functional as
-limit of discrete Perona-Malik energies, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS).
- Morini, M. and M.O. Rieger, The Gamma-limit of variational problems with volume constraints, to be submitted.
- Müller, S., M.O. Rieger, and V. Sverak, Parabolic systems with nowhere smooth solutions, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
- Nicolaides, N. and K. Trapp, Higher order covolume approximation of Maxwell's equations, to be submitted.
- Rieger, M., Exponential stability and global existence in thermoelasticity with radial symmetry, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. Submitted.
- Rieger, M. O. and J. Zimmer, Global existence for nonconvex thermoelasticity, SIMA.
- Schmock, U., S. Shreve, and W. Wystup, Valuation of exotic options under shortselling constraints, Finance and Stochastics 6 (2002) 143.
- Sirbu, M., I. Pikovsky, and S. Shreve, Perpetual convertible bonds SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.