21-241:Matrix Algebra
The course will have three one hour exams and a final. The hour exams
will be given in class on September 26 (Wednesday), October 26 (Friday) and
November 30 (Friday). Each hourly exam will be worth 20% of your grade, the final
will be worth 30%, and homework will be worth 10%.
Tests will be closed book and no calculators. Makeups will not be given.
In case of documented illness or family emergency or documented
University sponsored trips, the final examination will be worth 50% of your
course grade. If someone misses two hourly exams it is highly unlikely they
will pass the course.
Homework will be assigned weekly, and turned in on Monday at the beginning of class.
If there is no class on Monday the homework will be due on Wednesday. Normally,
the homework will include material covered in the previous week's lectures.
While this set of problems will be collected and graded, it should be taken as a
minimal selection. You should test your knowledge by doing other problems in the
appropriate section. When computing your homework grade at the end of the course
we will throw out your lowest two grades--thus if you fail to hand in one or two
homework assignments you will receive a zero for these and they will be dropped
when computing your grade.
Grading policy
The final grade for the course will be determined by your performance
on the homework, the three midterm exams, and the final exam according
to the following algorithm:
Homework 10%
Midterms 60%
Final exam 30%
Letter Grades
The following guidelines will be used in assigning grades:
Anyone with an average between 90 & 100 is assured of an A
" " 80 & 89 " " at least a B
" " 70 & 79 " " at least a C
" " 55 & 69 " at least a D
If your overall average is below 54 you will probably fail the course.
The instructors reserve the right to lower the minimum thresholds for
a given grade.
Any cheating on any mid-term or final exam
will, at minimum, result in failure on that test, at maxmum, in failing the course.
Cheating incidents will be reported to the Dean of Students as per University Policy.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, receiving aid from another student,
giving aid to another student, or use of unauthorized materials.
You are encouraged to work with other students on homework assignments but you should
write up your own solutions.