Simulation of a Random Apollonian Network
George Box wrote the famous ``essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful''.
Random graph models fall in the latter category. Even if we do not expect
connections in real-world networks to be random, random graph models
allow us to argue about qualitative properties of real-world networks.
They provide us a way to simulate, e.g., the performance of existing
Internet protocols on the Internet 10 years from now, how a disease will spread
and how a cascading network failure will proceed.
We study Random Apollonian Networks, a popular random graph model with power law properties.
Random Apollonian Networks
On Certain Properties of Random Apollonian Networks
[Co-authors: Alan Frieze]
In 9th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW 2012)
Earlier version:
Invited Paper to Internet Mathematics
Source Code
You can download a first version of the simulation code written in MATLAB from
here (zip) .
Wikipedia on Apollonian Networks
Wolfram on Apollonian Networks
Alexis Darrasse's web page containing work on Random Apollonian network structures (closely related to RANs)